Development in a Post-COVID-19

Collaboration is the key to sustainable development in a post
COVID-19 world

2 min readFeb 2, 2021
Photo by Guillaume de Germain on Unsplash

Our efforts towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have taken a backseat because of COVID-19. The gravity of the problems we have encountered because of the pandemic is yet to understand to a greater extent. Let’s take, SDG 2,Zero Hunger for example;

90 million people globally would slip into “extreme poverty”(October 2020, World Bank report)

We have similar statistics for each SDG and the poor and marginalized people are the ones who suffered the most. A vision for sustainable development post COVID-19 should be a reflection of untold misery and suffering of people.

Managing the Blows:

The First priority must be managing blows. The Global community must come together, assess the blows and take top to bottom and bottom to top actions to fix the problems. The targets and indicators of each SDG can be modified considering the situation.

Learn from Disruption:

Along with the challenges, there are many opportunities post COVID-19 that we need to explore. SDG 3 has got more emphasis and there are many positive things happened in the sector. The world is much more prepared to handle situations like COVID-19. These lessons could be used to approach sustainable development in a much more conscious way.

Collaboration is the Key:

We have seen Openness and collaboration in different spheres during pandemic. International collaboration has led to breakthroughs and advances we could not have imagined if countries had gone it alone. Collaboration is the key to sustainable development in a post COVID-19 world. This exactly what President emphasized in UN General Assembly “Pandemic Demonstrates Multilateral Cooperation Key to Overcoming Global Challenges”




Social Entrepreneur | Educator | Story teller | Global Citizen | Co funder, The Ignite Foundation | Co-director, Khoj India